
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Get Up, Give Back (Sept '11 - Results)

Hello Everyone!

The last month has been very different and difficult for me and I apologize for not completeing last month's Get Up, Give Back, but I am now back and ready to go! So, let's get back into getting up and giving back.

First up.. It's time to congratulate Theresa Ihrig-Gause and Christa Diehl on their job in September!

The second month of Get Up, Give Back is complete!

I'm so proud of Theresa Ihrig-Gause and Christa Diehl. They set the bar so high, it was amazing to see the transformation begin and see them shine DAILY! They did some fitness EACH day of the month. Between prepping for a 5K, an injury, families and jobs, they still made a little time to take care of themselves. And it showed with their numbers. They enter the alum program with flying colors. I'm so happy. They truly are examples of what you need to do to not only help youself, but help others.

To Theresa Ihrig-Gause and Christa Diehl: My glamazons. You made me work in September. Thank you for not only helping yourself, but helping your organizations. It is amazing to be apart of your life. Thank you for everything. I am proud of you. Keep up the good work and remember that you made a difference in September and I'm glad to see that you still are.

Here are the final numbers for September 2011-

Theresa Ihrig-Gause  (Twitter: @tihrig74)

Total Fitness: 155,987 steps taken (approximately 70 miles)

Amount Raised: $77.50 + $25.00 for an instant video. Click here to see her video for "Moves Like Harper"

Charity that the money will go to: Alzheimer's Association

Christa Diehl (Twitter: @kudi_chan)

Total Fitness84,000 calories burned

Amount Raised: $77.50 + $25.00 for an instant video. Click here to see her video for "Hey Mickey"

Charity that the money will go to: Intercranial Hypertension Reseach Foundation

Please join me via Comments here or on Twitter and congratulate Theresa and Christa on a job well done.

Donations will be made immediately, with screenshots sent via Twitter shortly!

I, once again, apologize for the quick absence, but I am back. We have had some great people that have been busting OUT the workouts this month and with it ending, I am going to do something unheard of. Stay tuned tomorrow for that.

About Get Up, Give Back:

Get Up, Give Back is a program that will be in my first non-profit organization, Big Hearts. The idea is simple: Each month, two participants are tasked with working out. Each day, they report what they did. For each reported day, they receive $2.50 for the organization of their choice. At the end of the month, I will donate that amount to the charity. It’s a win-win situation. They win for working out. The charity wins by getting a donation.